M's Blog

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Sunday, April 19, 2009

Playathon '09

Playathon is a fundraiser cum practice marathon in my violin school. For the playathon I have to practice everyday for 30 days! So, I am going to blog everyday to track my practice! This time I am very motivated to practice so hard and play really good violin!!

Day 1 (4/18): They distributed the sheet for Playathon in Group Class today and I marked my home calendar that it is the "First day of Playathon". In the evening, my Mom and I played a game of "hotter hotter cooler cooler" with the violin. I hid an object (my rocket) and she had to find it. I would give her clues by playing louder if she got closer and softer if she went in the wrong direction. I did not realize 35 mts went by! At night, Mom and I cuddled up and listened to the CD while singing and clapping and tapping along.
Net Score for the day: Violin: 35 mts. AL: 20mts

Day 2 (4/19): Busy day ahead!! It is Sunday and there is Bala Vihar to go too and playdate with Akash in the evening. But, since I got ready early, I had 35 mts to spare. I played 26mts before we left and did Active listening in the car on the iriver as my Dad drove me to BV. I might do more later. Lets see!!
Well, that was it!
Net Score for the day: Violin: 26mts. AL: 10mts

Day 3: (4/20): Back to school on Monday! In the evening after school, we played Snakes and Ladders game with dice and played the Suzuki song corresponding to the total of the numbers on the board.
Net Score for the day: Violin: 30mts AL: 15mts

Day 4: (4/21): Did AL on my way to school and back. After dinner today, played with the CD. Gosh the CD is fast! PM was so fast! I repeated PM till I could keep up with the CD! It sounded pretty neat!
Net Score for the day: Violin: 20mts AL: 20mts

Day 5: (4/22): Mom and I played Bingo. Each shape in the bingo sheet meant a different song. Didnt realize 40mts went by. At the end, I got 2 little gifts when my bingo sheet was all crossed out.
Net Score for the day: Violin: 40mts AL: 0mts

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